WHAT IS TOM BOMBADIL? Thoughts and Discussion by Steuard Jensen (Created 17 Feb 2001) (Last updated 27 Oct 2002) (Many thanks to Conrad Dunkerson and many other participants on the Usenet newsgroups rec.arts.books.tolkien and alt.fan.tolkien for helpful comments and encouragement on earlier versions of this essay.) INTRODUCTION What is the nature of Tom Bombadil? Many answers to that question have been suggested over the years, and quite a few arise regularly. Even some common ones have clear evidence against them, but a handful of ideas have weathered the long debates without producing any convincing counterarguments. In this essay, I will explain why some ideas can be firmly rejected, and why a few remain appealing. Background to the Essay (Feel free to skim this section.) Before going on, I must acknowledge that I cannot be truly objective in what follows. I have done my best to base every claim on rational arguments supported by original texts and to avoid bias in my presentation, but I do prefer one answer to the question: I have long advocated the idea that Bombadil is in some sense the incarnation of Arda itself. Despite my best efforts to treat all reasonable possibilities equally, some subtle bias in that direction may be inescapable. I do not expect such bias to affect which theories I label as truly not viable: I will not make that strong claim unless the evidence appears inescapable. A few notes on source texts are in order. _The Lord of the Rings_ (henceforth abbreviated LotR) is the primary text of reference, and in the face of conflicting evidence its statements will carry more weight than those in other references. (Quotes from LotR will generally be identified only by chapter title.) _The Hobbit_ will also be treated as a canonical source, though its contribution to the discussion of this issue is limited. Some essential information comes from the "Ainulindale" and the "Valaquenta" in _The Silmarillion_. All of this has been checked against the final drafts and notes in _Morgoth's Ring_, and I believe it to be a trustworthy guide to Tolkien's intent. There is a great deal of information about Bombadil in _The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien_ (henceforth referred to as _Letters_, or implicitly by reference to a specific Letter number). While Tolkien does not seem to have felt as "bound" to statements in his letters as he did to published texts, they give glimpses of his thoughts that we could not hope to know otherwise, and I will treat them as a trustworthy source of information and insight. When I refer to "canonical" texts in this essay, I mean the sources listed above. Other texts can shed light on Bombadil, but should not be taken as authoritative. Because the Middle-earth of _The Book of Lost Tales_ is so different from that of LotR, information from those early stories is not directly relevant to a discussion about the later state of the mythology. However, a few references to the Lost Tales here show ideas that Tolkien considered while constructing his mythology. While _The Adventures of Tom Bombadil_ was published while Tolkien was alive, its two poems about Tom are not trustworthy guides to his nature: the book's Preface says that their Bucklandish authors had "little understanding of his powers" and that the first poem is "made up of various hobbit-versions of legends concerning Bombadil". I make little use of them here; the information lost is in any case minimal. Bombadil does appear in the "History of _The Lord of the Rings_" volumes of the "History of Middle-earth" series, but those books will not be used here. Bombadil was introduced into the story before its relationship to the greater mythology was entirely established, so his place in the Silmarillion cosmology may have changed enormously between the first and final drafts. Thus, changes in his character and description as the story developed are likely to have been significant, and quoting anything other than the final version could be extremely misleading. Introduction to the Debate A great number of identities for Tom Bombadil have been suggested over time. Some of the more common are: * Eru Iluvatar * Manwe * Tulkas * Aule * Some particular Elf, Man, Dwarf, or similar person * a Maia (presumably one of the many not specifically named elsewhere) * a nature spirit, either one of many similar beings or somehow unique Some have suggested that Tom is an insertion of Tolkien himself into the tale, but we are interested primarily in "story internal" explanations: even if Tom were meant to represent Tolkien himself, our interest is in how he fits into Middle-earth. Beyond that, the correspondence between Tolkien and Bombadil simply isn't very strong. Considering all these possibilities, our first task will be to reduce confusion by eliminating positions that have obvious and fatal weaknesses. Even before that, however, I must acknowledge that some believe the search for Bombadil's nature to be fundamentally hopeless (by Tolkien's design). Beyond the general lack of information that Tolkien provides about him, this claim finds support in Letter #144: "As a story, I think it is good that there should be a lot of things unexplained (especially if an explanation actually exists)... And even in a mythical Age there must be some enigmas, as there always are. Tom Bombadil is one (intentionally)." At least when this letter was written, then, Tolkien did not intend for Bombadil's nature to be evident: that unresolved question is part of the charm of the tale. While this is a valid objection, there are several reasons to hope that we can come closer to an explanation than Tolkien intended. To begin with, the comment "especially if an explanation actually exists" in this paragraph suggests that Tolkien had one in mind and that he tried to make the _existence_ of that explanation apparent. Thus, we might still hope to find subtle and unintentionally helpful clues pointing to the answer. Even more important, there is much more information about Middle-earth available now than when this letter was written in 1954. It seems fair to hope that the information in _Letters_, _The Silmarillion_, and elsewhere could fill in crucial gaps and cast light on Bombadil that Tolkien did not expect. This essay assumes that Tolkien did have an explanation in mind for Bombadil (even if only a general idea, as would probably be needed to make sure he didn't outright conflict with other "known" facts about Middle-earth). As Tolkien said, hidden explanations make reading the story more enjoyable, and for some of us part of the fun comes in trying to uncover them. I do respect those who prefer not to delve into these mysteries; this essay is simply not for them. THEORIES WITH FATAL FLAWS One of the strongest constraints on Bombadil's nature comes from Glorfindel's words at the Council of Elrond. Objecting to Tom as a guardian of the Ring, Glorfindel says, "...soon or late the Lord of the Rings would learn of its hiding place and would bend all his power toward it. Could that power be defied by Bombadil alone? I think not. I think that in the end, if all else is conquered, Bombadil will fall, Last as he was First; and then Night will come." Unless Glorfindel is flat out wrong, this makes it clear that Bombadil is weaker than Sauron in a direct conflict of "power," whatever that term means (it might well include Sauron's full military strength).[1] Galdor concurs, saying that "Power to defy our Enemy is not in him, unless such power is in the earth itself. And yet we see that Sauron can torture and destroy the very hills." Galdor admits to knowing "little of Iarwain save the name", so it must not take great learning to make general statements about his power and perhaps its source. Significantly, nobody at the Council objects to either of these statements. It seems likely that whatever limited knowledge Galdor based his comments on was common among the wise and learned Elves at the Council. More specifically, Elrond is clearly reasonably familiar with Bombadil and Gandalf seems to know quite a bit about his nature and abilities, but neither of them object. Although it is exceedingly unlikely that so many knowledgeable individuals at the Council were mistaken, some have suggested that they intentionally concealed the truth. This cannot be disproved, but it would be very different from the treatment of other secrets at the Council. For example, when Gloin asks about the Three Rings, Elrond states that "of them it is not permitted to speak", but nevertheless violates that prohibition (to a small degree). He does not feign ignorance or even simply remain silent: this Council does not seem to have been a place for partial truths. Given this, it seems very reasonable to accept the Council's statements. This choice is corroborated in Letter #144, where Tolkien says that "Ultimately only the victory of the West will allow Bombadil to continue, or even to survive. Nothing would be left for him in the world of Sauron." While it does not speak directly of a conflict between the two, this quote makes it clear that Bombadil would be in some sense "killed" if Sauron was victorious, just as Glorfindel said. The first and clearest casualty of this conclusion is the theory that Bombadil is Iluvatar. Tolkien states this directly _Letters_: in Letter #181 he says that "There is no 'embodiment' of the Creator anywhere in this story or mythology", and in Letter #211 he states that "The One does not physically inhabit any part of Ea." As if that weren't enough, Tolkien describes Tom's interests and motives in many places, but the motives of the all-powerful Creator probably could not even be expressed in words. All this makes the Eru theory probably the least likely explanation for Bombadil that still arises regularly. The constraint from the Council is much stronger than this. The "Valaquenta" says that eight of the Valar "were of chief power and reverence": "the Aratar, the High Ones of Arda: Manwe and Varda, Ulmo, Yavanna and Aule, Mandos, Nienna, and Orome. Though Manwe is their King and holds their allegiance under Eru, in majesty they are peers, surpassing beyond compare all others, whether of the Valar and the Maiar, or of any other order that Iluvatar has sent into Ea." This includes all of the Valar whom I have seen suggested as identities for Bombadil except for Tulkas. I cannot believe that any of these great powers would be so weak (in any sense) that "the power to defy our Enemy is not in him". The gulf in power and majesty between the Aratar and even the greatest of the Maiar is "beyond compare": I do not believe that even Sauron and all his armies could "kill" Manwe or Aule, for example. (Although Tolkien wrote that "Sauron was 'greater', effectively, in the Second Age than Morgoth at the end of the First", that was because Morgoth alone among the Valar had expended his native power to gain control over the physical world. No "unfallen" Vala would do such a thing.) On this basis, I do not believe that Bombadil could be any individual on this list. The theory that Bombadil is Tulkas escapes this argument, but it suffers from a fatal personality mismatch. According to the "Valaquenta", Tulkas "delights in wrestling and contests of strength" and "his weapons are his hands". Bombadil's only weapons appear to be his songs; he shows no interest in physical prowess. Also, Bombadil fights "evil" only when he walks into it or is called, precisely the opposite of Tulkas who came to Arda specifically to battle Melkor. While it is conceivable that his personality could have reversed in these ways, there is no reason to think that it did. There is other evidence that Bombadil is not one of the Valar. In "In the House of Tom Bombadil", Tom says of himself, "He was here before the Kings and the graves and the Barrow-wights. When the Elves passed westward, Tom was here already, before the seas were bent." Bombadil says that he "was here already", not merely that he "had been here": this implies a long term presence in the area; in fact, this passage gives the impression that he never left. However, we read in _The Silmarillion_ that after the destruction of the Lamps, "the Valar came seldom over the mountains to Middle-earth". (The only Valar said to spend much time there were Yavanna and Orome, and apart from Orome's time _with_ the Quendi before the Great Journey these seem to have been brief visits rather than extended habitation.) While falling short of a complete proof on its own, this strongly implies that Bombadil is not one of the Valar. Another argument is that the Valar were the governors of Arda and deeply concerned with the fate of the Children of Iluvatar (only during the Akallabeth are we told that "the Valar laid down their government of Arda"). However, when asked if Bombadil could guard the Ring, Gandalf says that, "He might do so, if all the free folk of the world begged him, but he would not understand the need." Even in the unlikely event that a Vala abandoned his responsibilities and chose to ignore all of the evil (and good) in the world, it could never be said that he would not understand the struggle. While I believe that the arguments above are more than sufficient, I should also point out a basic difficulty with the most common Bombadil-as-Vala identification, the claim that Bombadil and Goldberry are Aule and Yavanna. Later, I discuss the strong connection between Goldberry and water, particularly the river Withywindle. This would be very surprising for Yavanna, who cares far more for plants and animals than for rains and streams. Goldberry does not show any particular interest in living things (except water lilies). For his part, Bombadil shows almost no interest in craft or building and a great deal of interest in living things, entirely contrary to Aule's character. If Bombadil had to be one of the Valar, Aule might be the best fit, but he does not, and the fit simply is not that good. Finally, we can safely conclude that Bombadil did not belong to any of the "major races": Elves, Dwarves, or humans (including hobbits). The fact that the Council of Elrond even considered whether Bombadil could hold off Sauron's full power seems proof that he was not some mere Elf or human, however strong. Finrod, a Noldo of Valinor, held out against Sauron briefly when he was captured with Beren, but even he eventually succumbed. And then, Sauron was seeking information, not trying to slay his captives outright (which proved much easier). Bombadil himself provides an even stronger argument when he tells the hobbits that "When the Elves passed westward, Tom was here already": he was there before the Elves arrived, and they were awake before all other sentient races in Middle-earth. (It goes without saying that Bombadil is not an Ent, Troll, or other such race: in addition to the failings above, they were clearly non-human.) VIABLE POSSIBILITIES This leaves just two serious theories to consider. One, that Bombadil is a Maia (or an "unaffiliated" Ainu), presumably one not named specifically elsewhere in the texts. The other, that Bombadil is some sort of nature spirit of a type never explicitly mentioned in Tolkien's writings after LotR. Each of these has advantages and disadvantages, and I do not believe that we have enough information to decide between them. The two may not be entirely distinct (some minor Maiar might be well described as "nature spirits"), but we will treat them separately below. BOMBADIL AS A MAIA We begin by considering the theory that Bombadil is one of the Maiar. In this essay the term "Maia" will refer to any of the Ainur who entered Ea other than the Valar. This may be an abuse of language: Tolkien defines "Maiar" in the "Valaquenta" when writing of "servants and helpers" of the Valar, but some Ainur could have entered Ea entirely unaffiliated with the Valar and their labors (Bombadil displays no clear affiliation). As the following discussion does not distinguish between them, I treat both cases together. I have chosen to use the term "Maia" rather than "Ainu who is not a Vala" mostly for convenience, but also because it is the most common claim of this sort. Note that under this definition a "Maia" could potentially be as powerful as the lesser Valar. Arguments Favoring Bombadil as a Maia The primary argument for the theory that Bombadil is a Maia is a simple process of elimination: of all the sentient "races" explicitly named in canonical texts, the only group we have not ruled out is the Maiar. This is a very familiar argument, but despite the criticisms and alternate suggestions discussed below its strength cannot be emphasized enough: any other claims about Bombadil's nature are in a way presumptuous, as they require us to add new dimensions to Middle-earth without direct support in Tolkien's canonical writings. While few Maiar are named or described in _The Silmarillion_ or Tolkien's other writings, there are many indications that their numbers were very great. The "Valaquenta" makes this clear: "Their number is not known to the Elves, and few have names in any of the tongues of the Children of Iluvatar". Thus, while Bombadil is not named in _The Silmarillion_ and is not similar to any of the Maiar described there, that in no way proves he was not one of them. In addition to these general arguments, there is at least one quote that suggests more directly that Bombadil may be a Maia. In the chapter "Homeward Bound" in LotR, Gandalf tells the hobbits that he is "going to have a long talk with Bombadil: such a talk as I have not had in all my time. He is a moss-gatherer, and I have been a stone doomed to rolling. But my rolling days are ending, and now we shall have much to say to one another." Gandalf's words suggest a kinship between the two (but certainly do not prove one). In particular, the second sentence could indicate that the main difference between Gandalf and Bombadil was their role in world affairs: active or passive, respectively. As we know that Gandalf is a Maia (in a special situation, to be sure), this would suggest that Bombadil is one as well. Bombadil also interacts with the Ring in surprising ways. It does not make him invisible, he is able to make it invisible, he sees Frodo wearing it, and Frodo is able to hand it to him without a second thought. If Tom were a powerful Maia (or other very powerful being) with active power over the Ring then all this is easily explained. However, passive explanations that do not require Tom to be particularly powerful exist as well[2], and Gandalf advocates a passive view at the Council of Elrond: "Say rather that the Ring has no power over him." To decide between these possibilities we would need a much greater understanding of the Ring; without that, this evidence is of little use. This theory gives an easy explanation for Goldberry as well: if Bombadil is a Maia, Goldberry is almost certainly the same. In some ways, she fits that role even better than Bombadil: her affinity for the Withywindle and her many songs about it would be very natural if it had been her main contribution to the Music of the Ainur. More broadly, Tom and Goldberry's frequent singing might reflect their memory of being part of the original Music. Objections to Bombadil as a Maia Despite this strong case for the theory that Bombadil is a Maia, there are questions that it leaves unanswered. To begin with, Tom tells the hobbits, "Eldest, that's what I am." This seems to be an important clue to Bombadil's nature, and is repeated at least twice at the Council of Elrond: Elrond tells us that Bombadil's Elvish name "Iarwain Ben-adar" means "oldest and fatherless", and as quoted earlier Glorfindel says that Tom would be "Last as he was First". What could "Eldest" or "First" mean for one of the Ainur? Only three answers seem reasonable: that Bombadil was the "first" Ainu created by Iluvatar, the first Ainu to enter Ea, or the first Ainu to reach Arda or Middle-earth. However, none of these seem consistent with Glorfindel's word "Last": Sauron at least would remain after Bombadil was gone. Related is Tom's claim (from "In the House of Tom Bombadil") that "He knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless--before the Dark Lord came from Outside." This almost certainly refers to Melkor (the dark was never truly fearless once he set his evil in motion), but it could refer to his original arrival in Ea or to his return to Arda from the "outer darkness" in the days of the Lamps. The former interpretation might suggest that Bombadil was present in Ea before any of the Ainur arrived, although such a reading is not necessary. Another question left unanswered by the claim that Tom is a Maia is his indifference to the Ring. As Gandalf says in the Council of Elrond, "if he were given the Ring, he would soon forget it, or most likely throw it away. Such things have no hold on his mind." This attitude is entirely opposite that of all the other Maiar involved with the Ring in the book: Sauron, Saruman, Gandalf, and conceivably even the Balrog are all strongly drawn to the Ring. More generally, even the Valar sometimes fell victim to Morgoth's plots, and the Ring may have provided abilities that even a very powerful Ainu could lack. Why, if Bombadil is a Maia, is he not tempted by the Ring? Speaking of Bombadil, Tolkien says in Letter #144 that "if you have, as it were taken 'a vow of poverty', renounced control, and take your delight in things for themselves without reference to yourself, watching, observing, and to some extent knowing, then the question of the rights and wrongs of power and control might become utterly meaningless to you, and the means of power quite valueless." To avoid the lure of the Ring, such a "vow" must be absolute. Even those who simply desire to observe and understand the things around them can be tempted by power. As a scientist, for example, the Ring might tempt me with visions of how much we could learn about the world if more people were excited by the quest for knowledge. Bombadil somehow overcomes all such temptations effortlessly. It seems impossible that any human could be so successful, and it is difficult to believe that any of the Ainur would be entirely unaffected. This is not proof that Tom is not a Maia, but that theory leaves the question of his immunity to the Ring unanswered. There is also at least one argument against the idea that Goldberry is one of the Maiar. Goldberry is consistently called names like "daughter of the River", but it is not at all clear in what sense this could describe a Maia. In particular, a Maia whose part in the Music of the Ainur focused on the Withywindle would more appropriately be called its "mother" than its "daughter". I have found no good way to reconcile this language with the Maia theory. BOMBADIL AS A NATURE SPIRIT To reasonably argue that Tom Bombadil is not a Maia, we must suggest an alternative. As pointed out earlier, this requires a greater freedom to modify Middle-earth than may be appropriate for us as mere readers of Tolkien's works. However, if we could find a "unique" and simple theory that explained the known facts without being inconsistent with what we know of Middle-earth, a claim that this was Tolkien's unstated intent would probably be justified. With this goal in mind, we can begin to explore other options. Tolkien's own comments in Letter #153 provide support for looking outside the list of "usual Silmarillion entities" to explain Bombadil: "Also T.B. exhibits another point in his attitude to the Ring, and its failure to affect him. You must concentrate on some part, probably relatively small, of the World (Universe), whether to tell a tale, however long, or to learn anything however fundamental - and therefore much will from that 'point of view' be left out, distorted on the circumference, or seem a discordant oddity. The power of the Ring over all concerned, even the Wizards or Emissaries, is not a delusion - but it is not the whole picture, even of the then state and content of that part of the Universe." One could read this as saying that Bombadil, despite being in nature similar to the Wizards, falls outside of the main picture because he is not affected by the Ring. However, an equally natural reading is that the picture of Middle-earth presented in LotR is incomplete in a more fundamental way. This 'active' interpretation encourages us to expand our knowledge of the "content of that part of the Universe" by identifying a new type of being, of which Bombadil is an example. Among the first hints that Bombadil could be some sort of nature spirit is his first mention in _Letters_: in Letter #19, Tolkien asks his publisher "Do you think Tom Bombadil, the spirit of the (vanishing) Oxford and Berkshire countryside, could be made into the hero of a story?" Like the early drafts of LotR, this 1937 letter cannot be considered trustworthy: Bombadil may have changed a great deal as he was assimilated into the legendarium. However, it provides a starting point for our investigation, showing that Tom Bombadil was a "nature spirit" when Tolkien first imagined him. It seems reasonable to wonder if this view remained unchanged. Canonical support for this claim can be found in Galdor's statement at the Council of Elrond: "Power to defy our Enemy is not in him, unless such power is in the earth itself. And yet we see that Sauron can torture and destroy the very hills." Galdor directly associates the power of Bombadil with that of "the earth itself", and even uses Sauron's ability to destroy the hills as an argument that Sauron could defeat Bombadil. This may be the strongest evidence that Tom is essentially related to the natural world. It is also difficult to reconcile with the Bombadil-as-Maia theory: a Maia may have helped to shape the earth, but the ability of another Maia to reshape it elsewhere is hardly an argument about their relative power. Goldberry as a Nature Spirit Because Bombadil is said to be "Eldest" and otherwise unique, he is a poor starting place for understanding a general class of beings. On the other hand, Goldberry is a relatively simple character, so we begin with her. The evidence suggesting that she is a nature spirit can teach us about them as a class, and because she and Tom are likely similar in nature this gives indirect evidence about him as well. One of the strongest statements supporting this identity for Goldberry comes from Letter #210, in which Tolkien says "We are not in 'fairy-land', but in real river-lands in autumn. Goldberry represents the actual seasonal changes in such lands." This letter, written well after LotR, indicates that Tolkien saw Goldberry as a nature spirit in some sense, one associated with river-lands and seasons. The repeated statement that Goldberry was "daughter of the River" also fits well with this idea. If nature spirits in Middle-earth arise in association with features of the natural landscape (a possibility discussed below), it would be fitting for a spirit connected to the Withywindle to be called its "daughter". Names aside, Goldberry's voice is repeatedly compared to water and the river, and her songs evoke potent water imagery: "Then another clear voice, as young and as ancient as Spring, like the song of a glad water flowing down into the night from a bright morning in the hills, came falling like silver to meet them". --"The Old Forest" "...there came falling gently as if it was flowing down the rain out of the sky, the clear voice of Goldberry singing up above them. They could hear few words, but it seemed plain to them that the song was a rain song, as sweet as showers on dry hills, that told the tale of a river from the spring in the highlands to the Sea far below." "Goldberry sang many songs for them, songs that began merrily in the hills and fell softly down into silence; and in the silences they saw in their minds pools and waters wider than any they had known, and looking into them they saw the sky below them and the stars like jewels in the depths." --"In the House of Tom Bombadil" "...but at that moment a clear call came rippling down." --"Fog on the Barrow-Downs" None of this means that Goldberry must be a river spirit, but it certainly fits that idea very well. The imagery is frequent and unambiguous: Goldberry certainly felt closely tied to the river, whether by nature or by choice. A close connection with the Withywindle is also indicated by Tom's story of finding Goldberry: in the chapter "In the House of Tom Bombadil", Tom sings of water lilies "in a wide pool, deep and clear, far down the Withywindle; there they open first in spring and there they linger latest. By that pool long ago I found the River-daughter, fair young Goldberry sitting in the rushes." Anyone can sit in the rushes by a river; this does not mean she was a nature spirit. However, like the earlier quotes this is consistent with the notion that Goldberry was intrinsically associated with the Withywindle and its seasons; it may be significant that Goldberry's pool held the most lasting spring and summer lilies. A seasonal connection is also found in Frodo's verse at their first meeting ("In the House of Tom Bombadil"): "O spring-time and summer-time, and spring again after!" Frodo connects Goldberry with spring and summer, although we don't know the inspiration for his words: one of Bombadil's unrecorded songs, some deep perception of her true nature, or simple poetry. The first quote describing Goldberry's voice mentions spring as well. A last and very subjective argument along these lines comes from Frodo's reaction to Goldberry's voice at the beginning of the chapter "In the House of Tom Bombadil": "He stood as he had at times stood enchanted by fair elven-voices; but the spell that was now laid upon him was different: less keen and lofty was the delight, but deeper and nearer to mortal heart; marvelous and yet not strange." This reaction seems very appropriate in response to a nature spirit associated with the seasons. Where the Elves feel strange to mortals because their immortality holds them above the world's changes, a spirit of the seasons might seem marvelous but would be familiar to them on a very deep level: change is a fundamental aspect of mortal life. This quote also gives another hint that Goldberry is not one of the Ainur: the Ainur always seem even more "lofty" than the Elves. Other Possible Nature Spirits If Bombadil and Goldberry are nature spirits, it is possible that they are the only ones Tolkien ever mentioned. However, the more potential nature spirits we identify, the more likely it is that such beings were part of Tolkien's vision for Middle-earth. Also, several examples would be necessary to learn anything about them as a general class. While the examples that follow are not meant as convincing evidence that the "canonical" Middle-earth contains nature spirits, they support that idea and help inspire the specific theory about them presented in the next section. Tolkien's earliest stories explicitly contain "nature spirits" of a sort. "The Coming of the Valar" is _The Book of Lost Tales I_ tells of "the sylphs of the airs and of the winds", "the spirits of the foam and the surf of the ocean", and "the sprites of trees and woods, of dale and forest and mountain-side, or those that sing amid the grass at morning and chant among the standing corn at eve. These are... brownies, fays, pixies, leprawns, and what else are they not called, for their number is very great... they were born before the world and are older than its oldest, and are not of it, but laugh at it much, for had they not somewhat to do with its making, so that it is for the most part a play for them..." In the language of the later stories, these spirits were the Maiar. However, while the "Valaquenta" says that "in Middle-earth the Maiar have seldom appeared in form visible to Elves and Men", these spirits seem to have been known throughout the world. Later revisions hint that Tolkien changed his mind on the origin of some of these spirits. The last outline for "Gilfanon's Tale" says of the "Shadow Folk" that "These were fays (C); no one knows whence they came: they are not of the Valar nor of Melko, but it is thought that they came from the outer void and primeval dark when the world was first fashioned." ("(C)" refers to an intermediate outline; I am not sure what it means here.) In the Lost Tales, all of the Ainur who entered the world were called Valar, so at least some "fays" now had very different origins. While none of this reflects Tolkien's later vision, it shows that he did once imagine nature spirits in Middle-earth. As already stated, there are no obvious examples of nature spirits in Tolkien's later writings, and most of the beings in Middle-earth are explained in one place or another. However, there is at least one wholly unexplained race in the canonical texts: the giants seen by Bilbo in _The Hobbit_.[3] While we cannot prove that they are nature spirits, that possibility suggests some interesting conclusions. Some have suggested that the giants were not real, but this claim is difficult to support. Bilbo both sees them ("he saw that across the valley the stone-giants were out, and were hurling rocks") and hears them ("They could hear the giants guffawing and shouting"). Thorin worries about being "picked up by some giant" and Gandalf "was far from happy about the giants himself." Gandalf mentions them later, too: he hopes to "find a more or less decent giant" to block the goblins' new gate, and he tells Beorn about them. In short, giants have a firm presence in _The Hobbit_, and it is not our place to reject them. They may even be present in LotR: some suggest that the stones that fall near the Fellowship on the Redhorn Pass were thrown by giants, though they remained unseen in the blizzard.[4] What are giants, and why are they absent from Tolkien's other published writings? (They did appear in drafts of LotR, but most references to them were either removed or evolved into the Ents.) They could be very large humans, just as hobbits are very small ones, but this does not explain their lack of involvement in Middle-earth. They could be independent Maiar with a fondness for chaos, but this also leaves a great many questions unanswered. They could be a particularly large breed of troll, unable to travel far from their great mountain lairs lest they turn to stone in the sunlight. Many explanations are possible, and none are entirely satisfying. We are interested in the possibility that giants are nature spirits, so we will look for similarities between them and Goldberry with this possibility in mind. The more similarities that we find, the more likely it is that they are "related", and the better our understanding of nature spirits in general. One clear similarity between Goldberry and the giants is that both seem to stay in a relatively small area. Goldberry is only seen near the Withywindle, and giants are only seen high in the mountains. Another is their affinity for particular aspects of their home territory: as noted above, Goldberry is closely connected with the Withywindle, while the giants are called "stone-giants" and seem to spend a great deal of time with rocks. This suggests a general rule: nature spirits are associated with some particular feature of the landscape, and are unable or unwilling to be separated from it. Just as Goldberry is "daughter of the River", each giant might be the "son" of a particular mountain peak. A more subtle similarity is that they are all connected in some way to the conditions of the world around them. We have already seen evidence that Goldberry is associated with the growing seasons, from Tolkien's direct comments to Frodo's verse to the spring and summer lilies of the pond where Bombadil found her. For their part, the giants are only seen during the great thunderstorm, and if they do appear in LotR it is in the midst of a blizzard: their connection appears to be with violent weather. A Specific Theory About Nature Spirits On this admittedly tenuous foundation, we can make a broader conjecture about these beings. Nature spirits, we suggest, are each associated with some lasting feature of the physical world which is the source of their being; they cannot stray far from it. Furthermore, they are not always active (perhaps not even always physically embodied): each is associated with some condition in the world around their "parent". This is little more than a guess, but it is a framework that not only admits both Goldberry and the giants as nature spirits but explains some of their behavior as well. Could anything in the known cosmology of Middle-earth justify the existence of such spirits? There is indirect evidence supporting at least one possibility. As told in the "Ainulindale", Iluvatar sent "forth into the Void the Flame Imperishable" and gave the Music of the Ainur independent existence. We later read that the Elves believed that "in water there lives yet the echo of the Music of the Ainur more than in any substance"[5]. Perhaps parts of the world harboring strong "echoes" of the Music gained some measure of independent existence themselves. An argument can be made that the independent existence connected with the Flame Imperishable implies consciousness, and it would not be surprising for conscious spirits in Middle-earth to take a humanoid forms. Because echoes of the Music were strong in water, river spirits would presumably be among the most common nature spirits, so Goldberry fits naturally into this picture. Similarly, significant features of the landscape like mountains might well hold such echoes: mountain spirits seem very natural as well. This theory even sheds light on the idea that nature spirits depend on the conditions around their "parents": echoes of the Music might naturally be strengthened when the surroundings most nearly matched the "original concept" of the parent feature. That is, the Withywindle may have been first imagined in the Music in the context of spring and summer, so in those seasons the echoes would be clearest and its associated spirit would "come to life". We know that the Misty Mountains were "reared by Melkor to hinder the riding of Orome" [Silm., "Of the Coming of the Elves"], so it is sensible that their most "natural" state would be filled with storms and chaos. Bilbo's "thunder-battle" certainly qualifies, and the Fellowship's blizzard clearly would as well. Bombadil Himself as a Nature Spirit With a theory about nature spirits in hand, we can finally try to apply it to Bombadil himself. In some ways, doing so weakens this essay: there is no single theory that all nature spirit proponents support, and discussing a specific one makes it possible to mistake its flaws for flaws in the entire nature spirit concept. Despite this, I believe that a fair judgment requires the theory that Tom is a Maia to be compared with a theory that is equally detailed and specific. For better or worse, that is my choice; I rely on the reader to sort the specific from the general. If Tom is a nature spirit of the sort proposed above, we must identify the feature of the natural world that gives rise to him. It is promising that he seems bound to a small area just as Goldberry and the giants are; he states this himself in "Fog on the Barrow-Downs": "Tom's country ends here: he will not pass the borders. Tom has his house to mind, and Goldberry is waiting!" However, his country is just too varied. A spirit associated with the Old Forest would be unlikely to travel so far across the Downs, while a spirit of the Downs would be unlikely to travel deep into the Forest and beyond (in the poem "Bombadil Goes Boating", he even visits Farmer Maggot in the Shire). No single natural feature seems to define "Tom's country". Moreover, Gandalf's words at the Council of Elrond directly state that Bombadil has not always been bound to his current lands: "now he is withdrawn into a little land, within bounds that he has set, though none can see them, waiting perhaps for a change of days, and he will not step beyond them." According to this, not only did Tom once range outside "his country", but the boundaries of that country are voluntary (and the reason he set them seems unknown). It seems difficult to identify Bombadil as our sort of nature spirit when he hardly seems localized at all. Difficult does not mean impossible, however. Many facts fall into place if we conjecture that Tom is the spirit associated with Arda[6], with Middle-earth itself. Within "the vast halls of Ea", Arda is certainly a substantial and lasting feature, and many of the greatest Ainur centered their Music upon it. While its scale is enormous, it still seems reasonable that this "feature of the natural world" would have an associated nature spirit. We can also guess at the condition in Middle-earth that would make its nature spirit "active". Letter #153 says that Bombadil is "a particular embodying of pure (real) natural science: the spirit that desires knowledge of other things, their history and nature, _because they are 'other'_ and wholly independent of the enquiring mind". From this, we can guess that Tom was inspired to activity when surrounded by independent, individual things that he could observe, study, and interact with. This is certainly the "natural state" of Middle-earth, as it was filled with all manner of interesting geographical features and living things in the Music. Thus, Bombadil might have become conscious of his surroundings as soon as distinct weather patterns and seas and mountains began to form, and it seems certain that he would be fully aware as soon as living things appeared in Middle-earth. All this fits well with his statement from "In the House of Tom Bombadil" that "Tom was here before the river and the trees; Tom remembers the first raindrop and the first acorn." It is not clear to what degree Tom would have existed before the Valar and Maiar arrived to shape the world, but his word "Eldest" and Glorfindel's "First" could easily refer to his status as the first "native" inhabitant of Middle-earth. Why would Bombadil withdraw into such a small area of Middle-earth? Two reasons come easily to mind. First, his chosen country is wild and uncultivated, so both its living things and its geographical features are closer to their natural state. The orchards and fields of the Shire or Bree-land might hold less interest for him than untamed woods and deserted hills. Second, after ages of wandering, Tom may have finally decided to settle down with his favorite river spirit, and it is entirely possible that he needed to remain nearby to keep Goldberry happy and "active" in his house. It is even possible that Tom's collection of water lilies was what allowed her to live in his house, away from the river. Tom may have needed to stay nearby to tend the lilies and keep them growing through the winter. This conjecture provides reasonable explanations for many of the puzzles and hints about Bombadil. For example, Tom and Goldberry's singing could reflect the echoes of the Music of the Ainur that gave rise to them. This would not necessarily explain the power of those songs over other beings, although it is plausible that echoes of the Music that formed the world might have power within it. (While the stone-giants are not heard to sing, their "guffawing and shouting" might not be a terrible approximation to Melkor's part in the Music. Or, Bombadil and Goldberry's love of music might not be typical.) Another strength of this explanation is its close agreement with other known facts about Bombadil. If he is the spirit of all Arda, Galdor's statement at the Council of Elrond becomes obvious, even to one who "knows little of [him] save the name": "Power to defy our Enemy is not in him, unless such power is in the earth itself." These words fit our theory perfectly. Tom's interactions with the Ring provide more examples. Its failure to turn him invisible might have a very simple explanation: it might treat the spirit of Arda just as it would a piece of Arda such as a rock or a metal chain. (A different and perhaps better explanation is that Tom's complete lack of desire for the Ring may have kept it from even "knowing" he was there.) As for the Ring's corrupting effects, if Bombadil's very existence stems from a desire to understand independent things in his surroundings, then there is good reason for him to have truly "taken 'a vow of poverty', renounced control, and [taken his] delight in things for themselves without reference to [himself], watching, observing, and to some extent knowing," which Tolkien says in Letter #144 is the key to avoiding the lure of the Ring. We do not fully understand the twin worlds of the Seen and Unseen in Middle-earth, but nature spirits could as likely as not be aware of both, allowing Bombadil to see Frodo wearing the Ring. There is still no clear explanation for his ability to make the Ring itself disappear, but the spirit of Arda might be very familiar with gold and with the uses of Morgoth element in it. We would need a considerably better understanding of the Rings to say anything for sure. We have already discussed how Glorfindel's word "First" applies to Bombadil, but this theory also suggests why Bombadil would be "Last" in the event of Sauron's victory. Just as "hobbits as miserable slaves would please him far more than hobbits happy and free", Sauron would eventually impose his own order on all of the wild and natural things left in the world. (Gandalf fears this sort of victory when he tells Denethor, "I shall not wholly fail of my task... if anything passes through this night that can still grow fair or bear fruit and flower again in days to come.") Tolkien writes in Letter #144 that "Ultimately only the victory of the West will allow Bombadil to continue, or even to survive. Nothing would be left for him in the world of Sauron." Without any independent natural things left in the world to interact with, Bombadil would no longer have the stimulus that made him "active" in the first place. Thus, as soon as Sauron's victory was complete and the last of the world fell under his domination, Bombadil's reason for existing as an active, independent spirit would be gone: he would be the Last independent "native" inhabitant of Middle-earth just as he was the First. CONCLUSIONS After all this discussion, the true explanation for Tom Bombadil remains in doubt. While we have narrowed the range of possibilities substantially, both the theory that he is one of the Maiar and the theory that he is a nature spirit seem quite viable. In the end, each person's decision rests largely on how willing they are to extrapolate beyond Tolkien's published words to guess at his true intent. Identifying Bombadil and Goldberry as Maiar is a natural choice which fits all of the known texts well, and which leaves only a few mysteries about them unanswered. This is a very reasonable position to take, particularly for those who prefer not to be overly aggressive in inventing answers to the mysteries in the books. Identifying Bombadil and Goldberry as nature spirits can provide ready explanations for most of the mysteries about them, but this is not surprising: if you make up an explanation from scratch, you can choose one that fits the facts. On the other hand, the specific nature spirit theory presented in this essay is based on a relatively simple premise; there is not much room to "fine tune" the theory to fit the texts. If previously unknown writings by Tolkien matched the "predictions" of this theory, it would be greatly strengthened. Even without such tests it remains quite appealing, at least to the more venturesome scholars of Middle-earth. In the end, the only firm conclusion that we can reach is that Tom Bombadil remains an enigma; Tolkien seems to have succeeded after all. Even if Tom is never to be understood, I think that we have learned a bit about Middle-earth by searching for an answer, and I, at least, have enjoyed the quest. Steuard Jensen --------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] In "Fog on the Barrow Downs", Bombadil makes what could be an even stronger statement: "Out east my knowledge fails. Tom is not master of Riders from the Black Land far beyond his country." The meaning of "master" is unclear, but this suggests that Tom does not see himself as "stronger" than the Nazgul. [2] Because we do not fully understand the Ring, I will not even try to list the many possible explanations for Tom's interactions with it. However, I will mention a few possible starting points in constructing them. Much more analysis would be needed before any of these could be accepted, but I hope they show that explanations in which Tom has no great power over the Ring are at least possible. (Some of these ideas and at least one other are addressed in the section "Bombadil Himself as a Nature Spirit".) Tom's total lack of desire for the Ring may have kept it from recognizing him as its "owner" rather than as an inanimate object, and therefore prevented it from turning him invisible. His ability to turn the Ring invisible may have resulted from his examination of it if he recognized the mechanism by which it did the same. If the Ring causes invisibility by transferring the body into the world of the Unseen, then Tom's ability to see Frodo might just show that he could see both worlds. Finally, the Ring clearly knows its current "owner" (whether it is being carried or not), and Frodo's reluctance to give the Ring to others may have come from fear of losing that status. As Bombadil had absolutely no desire for the Ring and thus may not have been a potential "owner", that reluctance may have been absent. [3] Another unexplained being is Old Man Willow. We know even less about him than about Bombadil; he could be related to the Ents or Huorns. If he were instead a nature spirit as discussed later in this essay, he would probably be associated with the Old Forest. It is not clear what conditions would make him "active" (or if we even see him so), but like Tom's his songs have some power which could indicate some kinship between them. Yet another possible nature spirit is Ungoliant: _The Book of Lost Tales I_ defines her once as "the Primeval Night personified". Even in _The Silmarillion_, she is said to have "descended from the darkness that lies about Arda"; it is not clear if she was an Ainu. Still more possible nature spirits are the Watcher in the Water, Beorn, the speaking ravens and thrushes of the Lonely Mountain, and perhaps even the Great Eagles and the Ents. (Some of these might not fit well with the specific nature spirit theory suggested here.) [4] The comments of the Fellowship on the Redhorn Pass in "The Ring Goes South" may be relevant here. Boromir says, "Let those call it the wind who will; there are fell voices on the air; and these stones are aimed at us." Aragorn replies, "I do call it the wind. But that does not make what you say untrue. There are many evil and unfriendly things in the world that have little love for those that go on two legs, and yet are not in league with Sauron, but have purposes of their own. Some have been in this world longer than he." The last sentence in particular gives another hint that Middle-earth contains beings absent from the usual lists. Gimli adds that "Caradhras was called the Cruel", which may indicate a belief that the mountain itself could somehow act. (Aragorn makes a similar comment in "The Departure of Boromir": "The River of Gondor will take care at least that no evil creature dishonors his bones." Notably, Faramir's sighting shows that this prediction came true.) [5] This differs somewhat from the latest text in _Morgoth's Ring_; I assume that these are among the "slight stylistic changes... without significance" or emendations not "of any importance" that passed without comment in the discussion of "Ainulindale D". [6] I use the term "Arda" here with some reservations. In some of Tolkien's later writings "Arda" refers to the whole Solar System, but I do not specify whether Bombadil is associated with the Solar System or only with Middle-earth's "planet".